Extended Shortcode - Music

The music shortcode embeds a responsive music player based on APlayer and MetingJS.

There are three ways to use it the music shortcode.

Custom Music URL

The complete usage of local resource references is supported.

The music shortcode has the following named parameters by custom music URL:

  • server [required]

    URL of the custom music.

  • name [optional]

    Name of the custom music.

  • artist [optional]

    Artist of the custom music.

  • cover [required]

    URL of the custom music cover.

Example music input by custom music URL:

{{< music url="/music/Wavelength.mp3" name=Wavelength artist=oldmanyoung cover="/images/Wavelength.jpg" >}}

The rendered output looks like this:

Music Platform URL Automatic Identification

The music shortcode has one named parameter by music platform URL automatic identification:

  • auto [required] (first positional parameter)

    URL of the music platform URL for automatic identification, which supports netease, tencent and xiami music platform.

Example music input by music platform URL automatic identification:

{{< music auto="https://music.163.com/#/playlist?id=60198" >}}
{{< music "https://music.163.com/#/playlist?id=60198" >}}

The rendered output looks like this:

Custom Server, Type and ID

The music shortcode has the following named parameters by custom music platform:

  • server [required] (first positional parameter)

    [netease, tencent, kugou, xiami, baidu]

    Music platform.

  • type [required] (second positional parameter)

    [song, playlist, album, search, artist]

    Type of the music.

  • id [required] (third positional parameter)

    Song ID, or playlist ID, or album ID, or search keyword, or artist ID.

Example music input by custom music platform:

{{< music server="netease" type="song" id="1868553" >}}
{{< music netease song 1868553 >}}

The rendered output looks like this:

Other Parameters

The music shortcode has other named parameters applying to the above three ways:

  • theme [optional]

    Main color of the music player, default value is #448aff.

  • fixed [optional]

    Whether to enable fixed mode, default value is false.

  • mini [optional]

    Whether to enable mini mode, default value is false.

  • autoplay [optional]

    Whether to autoplay music, default value is false.

  • volume [optional]

    Default volume when the player is first opened, which will be remembered in the browser, default value is 0.7.

  • mutex [optional]

    Whether to pause other players when this player starts playing, default value is true.

The music shortcode has the following named parameters only applying to the type of music list:

  • loop [optional]

    [all, one, none]

    Loop mode of the music list, default value is none.

  • order [optional]

    [list, random]

    Play order of the music list, default value is list.

  • list-folded [optional]

    Whether the music list should be folded at first, default value is false.

  • list-max-height [optional]

    Max height of the music list, default value is 340px.

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